
Free Games Friday: Game of Thrones & Tales f. t. Borderlands

Telltale Games are known for their interactive story masterpieces. Starting with successfull adventure reboots of Sam & Max and Tales from Monkey Island they have grown to create mature stories with impactful narratives as in the wildly popular The Walking Dead in 2 seasons, their comic spin-off of „Fabels“ named The Wolf Among Us or Marty McFly’s comeback in Back to the Future.

Currently Telltale is running two Gamer Series‘, Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands. Game of Thrones is set in the universe of the epic book saga and TV show but tells its completely own story. So it’s definetly playable for newbies to the universe, I personally can vouch for that. Currently 4 of 6 episodes have been released, you can watch them below in full length.

In our Giveaway we give you Telltale’s Game of Thrones in a full Season Pass for a platform of your choice (PC via Steam, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS Vita), you can play all 4 episodes right away and have access to the remaining 2 episodes once they release.

Tales from the Borderlands is set in the world crafted by Gearbox Software. You might know Borderlands, the Loot’n’Clap shooter, and this is an own story in that universe. Again if you know the material, you’ll recognize many references, but if you are new you won’t be standing in the rain. Also I can vouch for that as a complete newb. This week the 3rd episodes were released, so two episodes are remaining here aswell, and you can watch them in full below.

In this Giveaway you also get the chance to win a full Season Pass for Tales from the Borderlands on a system of your choice (PC via Steam, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS Vita), which gives you access to all 3 episodes and the remaining 2 once they release some time this year. Good luck! The giveaway ends 07/11/2015 12 AM Berlin (GMT+1) – the time left is visible in the widget below, handy! 😉

Don’t forget to use all of your entry possibilities, if you check the Blog Post Comment option don’t forget to comment below then and that you can do the tweet entry DAILY!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Feel free to watch our Complete Walkthroughs of Telltale Games‘ line-up, while Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands each have 2 episodes to be released this year. Enjoy!

Game of Thrones

Tales from the Borderlands

The Walking Dead – Season 1+2

The Wolf Among Us

  1. agbavna

    Without spoiling anything for anyone, the end of TWD S2 was unexpected unlike S1. I can’t wait to see where they go from that ending.

    Thanks for the chance

  2. A Parker

    I’ve only played the walking dead seasons, but I think my favorite scene was one of the breaks from zombies when we’re on the train giving a hair cut. Nice to just bet to bond a bit and give you a rest to go on and keep deciding who lives and dies 🙂 Thanks for giving away more tell-tale, I’m crossing my fingers for borderlands myself!

  3. Ganth King

    I really enjoyed TWD S1 and TWAU S1 and played the 1st episode of TWD S2 and quite like it but one thing I want Telltales to take as priority is fixing FPS drop and game freezing. It ran horribly on every single platform I’ve played ie. PS3, iPhone.

  4. Steven

    From TWD S2 when Clementine gets reunited with one of the characters that was thought to be dead in Season 1.

  5. JC

    My favourite Walking Dead moment were all the parts where Lee was alone with Clementine & teaching her how to survive, or making her feel safe, even when he was feeling scared 🙂

  6. Fabs

    didn’t play much of the telltale games yet, but i loved Poker Night 2. claptrap is just fantastic :3

  7. chronicdiscord

    Man, I really hate these social media linked giveaway things. They feel so, sketchy and dirty.

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