Zur Geisterstunde verlosen wir einen echten Kracher im Free Games Friday: Activisions neuesten Blockbuster Call of Duty: Ghosts!
Richtig gehört: Diese Woche ist das neue Call of Duty raus und ihr könnt’s hier gewinnen! Ihr könnt zum einen CoD: Ghosts für PC (aktivierbar via Steam-Code, deutscher Gewinner bekommt die Box mit vier DVDs), aber auch einige PSN-Spiele gewinnen.
- Call of Duty: Ghosts (PC via Steam, worldwide)
- 3x Furmins (PS Vita via EU PSN)
- Snowy: Treasure Hunter (PS3 via EU PSN)
- 2x Jane’s Hotel (PS3/PSP/Vita via US PSN)
Nehmt wie gewohnt via Rafflecopter unten teil und nutzt soviele Tickets wie möglich (das Teilnehmen via Tweet geht sogar täglich für bessere Chancen!). Im Kommentar am besten den favorisierten Gewinn vermerken. Teilnahme nur mit einer 1 E-Mail oder 1 Facebook-Account möglich. Gewinnspiel endet am Samstag, den 16.11., um 0 Uhr deutscher Zeit. Die Gewinner werden wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt live aufTwitch küren.
Take your chances with Rafflecopter below and pick as many steps as possible (remember you can do the Tweet Entry daily!). Choose your prize in the comment entry. You can only participate with 1 E-Mail account or a Facebook account. Competition ends on Saturday Nov 16th midnight German Time. We will announce the winners live on Twitch on Friday 15th at 3 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern / Saturday 16th 1 AM UK / midnight GMT.
Michael Hopkins
sweet giv eaway hope i win /pc
I’ll go with call of duty, since i almost exclusively play on pc. Thanks for this awesome chance!
everyone would pick call of duty so i’ll choose janes hotel, since i wont get a ps4 or xbox one anytime toon
Call of Duty, because I don’t have any of the other platforms D:
call of duty or any other usa code thanks for the contest
Call of Duty Ghosts 🙂 I wanna shoot some stuff!
Ganth King
Furmin if I win, cuz I have PS Vita 🙂
Leon Durham
I want to win Call of Duty: Ghosts because I love the Call of Duty series.
Spike Gold
Ich würde mich natürlich über Call of Duty: Ghosts freuen. Ich bin zwar ein wenig ausgebrannt was die Kampagne angeht, aber da ich den Multiplayer von Black Ops 2 komplett übersprungen habe, bin ich momentan so richtig in der Stimmung wieder ein CoD online zu zocken. Vor allem da jetzt ja angeblich auch kein Quick Scoping mehr im Spiel ist. Da ich nur für den MP keine 70€ berappen möchte, bin ich Euch daher sehr dankbar für die Chance zu gewinnen. Also vielen Dank!
Call of Duty Ghosts on Steam because of multiplayer and I am keen to try out the extinction mode
Hugo Mosby
This Free Games Friday is the best!
Anna Nass
Call of Duty: Ghosts
i dont have any of the other platforms
Michael Zurring
I would love Call of Duty: Ghosts because I’m a big fan of the series!
I’d like Call of Duty: Ghosts because of the apocalyptic feel the game seems to have. I love apocalyptic games. And I love aliens. Extinction has aliens. Also I don’t have PS3.
I have been a fanboy since the Classic cod 1 released..oh and WAW rocked..epic game ever made..so i’d like Call of Duty : ghosts.
Sergey Sheldishev
Not much non-cod entries, huh. Good luck everyone. And yeah, I want CoD as well, because of doggy 😉
Stefan Vasilev
I want Call of Duty Ghosts on PC becouse my last CoD game is CoD:W@W and we all know how expensive this game is. 🙂
Piotr Majzner
Call of Duty Ghosts. The game looks awesome, but most of all I’m curious of the story, which promises really good. I like the idea of USA loosing its strong position and the apocalyptic vision of the world.
Christian Kaiser
Call of Duty Ghosts, ‚cause PC games are the best
I only have a xbox360 and a PC…so i would pick CoD Ghosts 🙂 thanks/danke!! 😀
Tom Grayden
I pick Ghosts for PC.
Marcel Böhm
Call of duty ghost wow ein top spiel naja mal schauen wer das gewinnt allen viel glück und danke für das coole giveway
COD: Ghost, never had a chance to play its online multiplayer mode. Thanks anyway for the chance! 🙂
CoD: Ghosts. Would like to win it and give it to my brother.
Antarael Dulacre
Going for Furmins, because obviously a better game than CoD =P no kidding!
snowy treasure hunter ps3 because i love puzzles 😀
Call of Duty Ghosts because it looks awesome, I’ve answered all the other Call of Duties.
COD Ghosts on Steam because I’m a PC gamer.
Shawn Sigurdson
My pick would be Call of Duty Ghosts on PC. The only other game that would work for me is Jane’s Hotel but I might not like it.
Ins Fz
Ill go with COD Ghost since i got a friend’s birthday coming up and he is a fan of the COD series and i would be giving it to him. Also, would love to watch how that dog thing works ahaha 😀
Christian Kaiser
so who is going to send me the CoD Box? 😉